Let’s face it – most of us are feeling a little Meh about Covid. We’re locking down, closing borders, wearing masks and having our lives changed in subtle and not so subtle ways. And it looks like there’s no end in sight. Of course we feel a bit Meh sometimes. So here’s a list of […]
You Have 6200 Thoughts a Day – What Will You Do With Yours?
It is official: we have 6200 thoughts a day. A study from Queens University in Ontario measured how often we shifted from one thought to the next (through some very fancy scientific methods that we don’t need to go into here). They called each of these a thought worm. Unfortunately I’m quite visual and now […]
Fundamentals for a Fabulous Life – Generating Good Feelings: The 3:1 Rule
I think most of us at some stage in our lives get a bit of the Eeyore Syndrome. You know the glass is half empty, everything’s gloomy, nothing seems good syndrome. The good news, or the bad news (depending on how far into Eeyore Syndrome you are) is that this is a normal way for […]
You Want to Generate Good Feelings: Stop Being so Nice
Did I read that right? Generating positive feelings is done by NOT being so nice? Mmm. Mmmm. It sure is. I could scare you with a whole bunch of reasons as to why ultra nice people – People Pleasers tend to develop specific sorts of illnesses but I’m not that kind of doctor. I’m more […]