I have been planning for quite some time to improve my business and add some new elements. I’ve had all the enthusiasm in the world. Even the work ethic to get it done. But I’ve still been chasing my tail.
I had so many great ideas that I was so excited about. I wanted to do all of them. Jon (my business coach & now partner) was somewhat concerned that I had commitment issues. I couldn’t really say that I could commit to that explanation though.
I started studying what makes people successful. And discovered my fundamental flaw – lack of focus. No wonder Jon had been calling me Magpie. What can I say? Bright, shiny objects are sooooo interesting.
So… here I am. At the beginning. Again. Trying to get focused. And set goals I can achieve.
This sounds easy but did you realise how hard it is to set goals that actually get achieved?
This is what I’ve learnt along the way.
First step: Get your brain on board
Your brain has all sorts of things to say about how you’re supposed set goals. It says to make your goals believable (believe you can achieve them) or it will cross its arms and refuse to follow them. It says “make your goals pleasurable and I’ll assist you by activating my reward centre so you feel real good when you’re doing something about them”. It says “don’t waste my time trying to set goals that you don’t really want. I can see straight through you. And I’ll bring up every insecurity you have if you try to fool me with bogus desires disguised as desired goals”.
Step 2: Set clear goals.
OMG! This step is so hard for me. It requires focus. If you have trouble with this step too, you need a coach. Like mine. I lend him out you know.
The clearer and more precise your goals are the easier it is to break them down into small steps so you can achieve them. It also gives you a clear destination.
Imagine throwing a dart with your eyes closed. You would probably have no chance of hitting the dartboard and more chance of hitting the drunk bikie in the corner. That’s what it’s like not having clear goals. You don’t hit the mark. You may not get beaten up by an irate bikie but it’s still no fun.
And then to complicate it even more we need:
Step 3: Strategy (what you’ll do to achieve it) & Tactic (how you’ll achieve it)
I definitely needed a coach on this one. I came from a family who thought success was getting an education and getting a job. Strategy & Tactic easy!
Strategy: Go to University. Get a job.
Tactic: Pass exams. Do assignments. Attend job interviews.
When your goals are bigger, strategy and tactic get more complicated. That’s when it’s good to have someone to help you break it down and to help keep you accountable. If you’re focus challenged like me you need someone telling you “you’re supposed to be doing this now Michelle, not enrolling in Neurosurgery by Correspondence”. Some people don’t let me have any fun L
So I hope that helps with your path to success, whatever that might be.
If you have personal goals you’d like to achieve and want someone to keep you focused call me 0404 273 149. Truly – I can focus for other people.
If you have business goals check out Jon’s website http://www.smallfish.com.au/
Or call him on 0402 259 209