If you’re a worrier, you’ll know it isn’t much fun. Always wondering what can go wrong. And having that dreaded ‘what if….’ question racking your brain constantly.
And then there’s that no-one seems to get it. “Why are you even thinking about that?” they’ll ask.
So it doesn’t seem like Mother Nature did us much of a favour by giving us the worry gene. But… you’ll be pleased to know that Mother Nature takes with one hand and gives with the other.
(If you want more bonuses for being a worrier read this https://www.healgrowtransform.com.au/happiness/is-anxiety-an-asset-rather-than-a-curse/)
The worrier genotype (a genotype is your genetic identity) has been associated with the COMT gene – so when you have one you’re likely to have the other. The good thing about the COMT gene is that it’s the most researched gene for creativity.
So if you’re a worrier you may be more naturally creative. What a bonus!
Obviously the amount of creative activity you’re involved in has a lot to do with your environment. Maybe creativity was or wasn’t fostered as you were growing up. Maybe you played around with creative pursuits when you were young but gave them up to be an adult (boring!). So maybe you didn’t get full expression of the COMT gene.
The thing to do now my worrier friends is try your hands at something creative. Don’t just think artistic – that’s only one type of creative.
Think tapping into your intuition and bringing something to life – a story, a joke, a poem.
Think making something – food, a flower arrangement, a painted cardboard box.
Think transforming something – a palette into a bed, a bed frame into a trellis.
And if you want more inspiration about what creativity is you can download this 2 page PDF of quotes about creativity from Copyblogger. Thank you Copyblogger https://www.copyblogger.com/cdn-origin/images/650/copyblogger-creativity-poster.pdf
Even if you’re not a worrier I’d still give this a go. Engaging in creative pursuits has been shown to be extremely good for your brain.