If you’re like most people you probably said you’d rather be happy.
Even though this question usually elicits an affirmative for happiness we don’t often place happiness as our priority in life. And I can understand why.
We come with a happiness set-point, 50% of which is genetically determined. This means that for some of us, with a naturally low happiness set-point , being happy is a bit challenging. We have to work harder at being happy than other people.
Thankfully Mother Nature decided to give us a bit of a break. She gave us a brain that can be changed and people who could work out how to change it. If we can change our brain, we can change our happiness set-point.
So now my question for you is this: are you interested in changing your happiness set-point? Or are you committed to changing your happiness set-point?
If you’re interested you will do what is convenient. If you’re committed you’ll do whatever it takes.
So maybe spend some time working on how to get committed if you have a lower happiness set-point and I’ll follow this up with some happiness inducing blogs.
If you would rather be wealthy then I would ask you the same question: are you interested in being wealthy or are you committed to being wealthy? And I’ll follow this up with some blogs on how to achieve your (wealth) goals.