Just as we thought we were heading into a reasonable ‘new normal’ with fewer restrictions and more freedoms we get hit with this ‘new normal’ which is frankly, a bit shit.
I went from not knowing anyone in my personal life who had covid to wondering who doesn’t have it. That’s an exaggeration of course but probably not too far off.
So now it’s not “I hope I don’t get it” and more “I wonder when I will”.
With some historical research suggesting that previous pandemics hung around for 4 to 5 years, we can feel pretty confident we’re in for more of the same for a bit longer.
So how do we get through it?
How do we get through the uncertainty? And the disappointments? And for some, the fear?
Meaning and Inspiration
You can find these in the most surprising places.
For example, I just read a book called Once and Future Witches. On the surface it’s a fairy tale about 3 sisters who are witches but the underlying themes are:
- how powerful love is,
- how the power of the individual and group can change the world, and
- how important it is to open your circle to include others.
All very meaningful and inspirational themes.
Even though I finished it a few days ago, I’m still thinking about the themes. That inspiration is mood boosting.
It also makes me think about how important it is to spread our circles at times like this to include others. Relationships and connections are meaningful.
When you find something meaningful and inspirational like this, it can inspire you to change your behaviours.
For example, I am making more of an effort with my friendships. Friendships we can sometimes take for granted. I am thinking more about the power of the group and how important that support is and wondering how I can make that a larger part of my work.
See I’m inspired!
So I’m not suggesting you go and read this book.
Instead keep an eye on the things you regularly do – a Netflix series, a conversation you overhear, a story from a friend, or even something from Instagram.
If it makes you feel good or excited or inspired, ask yourself why.
You might just find your meaning and inspiration there.