My partner, Jon, is reading a book about time.
Time is an interesting thing. It is a completely non-renewable resource. Once we’ve used it we can never get it back.
So we have to think about using it wisely. And by wise, I do not necessarily mean sensible. But I’ll get to that later.
In this book, the author mentions that we all have approximately 4000 weeks. For some reason that sounds a lot less than 80 years.
If you were counting your time in weeks rather than years, how would you spend your time?
Would you want to work harder and make a name for yourself? Leave a legacy for your children?
Would you want to fit in as many novel experiences as you could? Travel, exotic foods, adventures?
Would you want to work on having better relationships/more time with friends and family etc?
Would you want to play more? Play is an important part of living a good life and having good mental health.
Would you want to remove things? Stop worrying, stop being unhappy about your weight, stop holding grudges?
Now is a good time to think about this – how you want to spend your weeks. We may not have control over much in life but we have some control over how we spend our time and the way in which we do it.
If you’re in a serious job and you want more joy in life, make sure you get lots of play in outside of work. Maybe the dishes can wait til you’ve done something fun.
Start looking at how you want to spend your time and how you could change your activities or your mindset to match it.
And then every week ask yourself “How do I want to spend my time?”