Increasing positivity is essential for good relationships. In fact, having a ratio of 5 positive interactions to every negative one is a sign of a good relationship. Here’s a way you can increase the positivity with one easy step.
Introducing the M-Minutes
Hello my friends and welcome to the M-Minutes. In less than a minute I’ll tell you about what the M-Minutes include. Hope you like them
How to Release Negative Thoughts Quick
The other day I read that most people only read 20 – 25% of blogs. So should I stop here? Maybe not but I will be very brief today. Let me know if it works better for you. Let’s face it, we all have negative thoughts at one time or another. This last month has […]
Mindfulness and the Lunatic in the Attic
When most people talk about Mindfulness they say stuff like “paying attention to the present moment”, “being in the moment”, and “bringing your mind back time and time again to the now”. Personally, I like to think of it as a way to tame the Lunatic in the Attic. If you’re anything like me, your […]
The Joy of Doing Nothing
When did you last do … well … nothing? When did you last stare into space and contemplate … well … nothing. There are so many ways to do nothing. You can do nothing in nature. You can do nothing on the lounge (no TV or radio please). You can do nothing in the bath. […]
The Science of Success
We’ve learnt so much more about the workings of the human over the last 10 years but all it’s done to me is make me realize how messed up we really are. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. I didn’t want to know that it’s my own mind sabotaging my success. I wanted to stay in […]
Calling in Your Soul Mate by Jasmin O’Hara, Astrologer & Counsellor
‘Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage’. – Lao Tzu The truth of this statement resonated with me recently. I like to think I am very independent, able to make my own way in the world. It’s not that I didn’t admit to needing love but more […]
Self-Sabotage Part I
Self-Sabotage: When Something Goes Wrong cos Something Went Right Does this sound like you? You’ve lost a couple of kilos so you eat a family block of chocolate and a mega-tub of ice-cream. You finally reach the income bracket you always dreamed about but you keep doing dumb things with your money so you’re in […]
How to Be Happy Course – simple strategies which make huge differences
All my life I have been the kind of person who has had a natural tendency to overthink, analyse, and feel deeply. While often this has seemed like a curse in that I have had some heartbreaking lows, I have come to learn that it can also be an incredible gift when directed in the […]
How to be Happy Course is one of the best things I’ve done
Just a short Thankyou to Michelle, for imparting all her valuable knowledge into our Happiness Group. It was a great six weeks, full of lots of laughs and learning and with a terrific bunch of people. All very caring, warm and understanding people. It was only an hour or so every week. But I always […]
How to Overcome Procrastination
Let me start by saying that if we were meant to be super-productive all the time, procrastination wouldn’t be so much fun. I don’t know about you but I’ve developed a whole range of entertaining and amusing things to do when I’m supposed to be doing something else. The something else that’s useful. The something […]
Fundamentals for a Fabulous Life – Generating Good Feelings: The 3:1 Rule
I think most of us at some stage in our lives get a bit of the Eeyore Syndrome. You know the glass is half empty, everything’s gloomy, nothing seems good syndrome. The good news, or the bad news (depending on how far into Eeyore Syndrome you are) is that this is a normal way for […]
You Want to Generate Good Feelings: Stop Being so Nice
Did I read that right? Generating positive feelings is done by NOT being so nice? Mmm. Mmmm. It sure is. I could scare you with a whole bunch of reasons as to why ultra nice people – People Pleasers tend to develop specific sorts of illnesses but I’m not that kind of doctor. I’m more […]
Letting Go of Negative Feelings: Stress Management
Here we are at Fundamental #1: Feeeeeling Good. And we’re still in the letting go phase. This time we’re letting go of stress. Let’s face it – most of us would have a pretty low Stress Management IQ. I mean it’s not exactly on the school curriculum is it? Imagine if it was. Imagine if […]
BONUS: 10 Steps to Taming Your Inner Critic
As Promised your 10 Steps to Taming Your Inner Critic Bonus. The first step in dealing with The Critic is to recognise it for what it is. It is an habitual voice within you, but it’s not you. See if you can hear as the combined voices of all the people in your past that […]