Here we are again – at the end of one year, excitedly getting ready for the next one. I wanted to wish you all a relaxing end to this year and a fulfilling and meaningful start to the next. This is a really good time to reflect on the year that’s been so that you […]
Why Do We Remember Criticism over Praise?
You’re out meeting new people, chatting and laughing. Everyone has been complimentary, commenting on how lovely you are, saying you must catch up again and asking for your number. You feel on top of the world. And then you over hear someone say “I don’t know what people see in her. I just don’t rate […]
How to Build Your Emotional Intelligence
If you want to give yourself the best chance in life, working on your emotional intelligence is a must. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been found to be related to all kinds of fabulous things like – better relationships (romantic and platonic), better academic and work performance, and fewer mental health issues. There is even some […]
How to Avoid Resentment
You know what it’s like – you did that thing you didn’t want to do. You bit your tongue when you really wanted to speak up. You spent money you didn’t have at someone else’s insistence. You say things to yourself like – don’t rock the boat; it’s not worth upsetting someone over; it doesn’t […]
Improve Your Self-Esteem – Kill Comparison
Comparison can be the absolute killer of self-esteem. Comparison makes us judge. Comparison makes us see ourselves as less than. Or, at best, see ourselves as more than (which strangely doesn’t feel that good). If we want to get control of comparison, we need to understand what it is and what it does. There are […]
Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment – Part 3
In Part 1 I wrote about how the Attitudes of Mindfulness might help us deal with uncomfortable situations. In Part 2 I wrote about how they can protect us from dissatisfaction with our life. Today I’m going to talk about how the Attitudes of Mindfulness can be applied to how we treat ourselves. Too often […]
Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment – Part 2
In part one we spoke about a few of the attitudes of Mindfulness and how they could be applied to life in general. There’s one I want to talk about today that can be really helpful for happiness and life satisfaction. Imagine this: you’re not happy with where you are. Maybe your business isn’t doing […]
Who is the Real Me?
We spend a lot of time thinking of ourselves as one cohesive self. Like there’s one true me that is relatively unchanging. We want to get back to being myself after difficult times. We complain that our partner doesn’t get me. And we talk about not knowing myself. What if we were thinking about our […]
Are You Affected by Relentless Stress?
So here we are, in a world with a million time saving devices and we’re more time poor than ever. We’re constantly rushing around trying to get everything done and never seeming to do it. There are new syndromes popping up all over the place “rushing woman’s syndrome”(which apart from the menstrual imbalances, could probably […]
How to be Authentic
Being Authentic (deliberate capital A) is something we’re told we should aspire to. We’re also told someone Authentic does it easily without a care in the world, without even having to think about it. According to this view, if we’re not comfortably and easily being ourselves – our Authentic selves – then clearly there’s something […]
If I Had to Hang Out with Myself, Would I Like It?
One of my clients (who had worked really hard and made lots of changes in their life) told me this question the other day and I immediately had to steal it for my blog. You know who you are – thank you. They said it was a question that helped instigate change. The great question: […]
Can You Think Yourself Rich?
Is it really possible to think your way to being rich? The law of attraction would have you believe so and all those success books tell you that all you have to do is think like a rich person and wealth will come trundling in. So basically your head determines your wealth. There’s a part […]
Brain Hacks for Change
When you think about how much our brains hate change it’s amazing that we get around to it at all. And being able to initiate and sustain change is really important when you’re coming for coaching or psychology. We have a lot of things working against us when we’re faced with change. We have a […]
3 Reasons it Can Be Sooooo Hard to Reach Your Goals
You know what it’s like – you tell yourself you want to achieve this. This ideal weight, this financial milestone, this change in behaviour. For a while we do really well moving towards this. And then something happens. We lose interest. This seems too hard or too boring. We get side-tracked by another bright shiny […]
How Do You Want to Feel Next Year?
I don’t know how many times I’ve set goals for the new year that are a bit like a To-Do list. Which all adds up to…… boring! It’s no good having a sense of achievement for things that don’t excite you or don’t make you feel the way you want to. This year, rather than […]