My partner, Jon, is reading a book about time. Time is an interesting thing. It is a completely non-renewable resource. Once we’ve used it we can never get it back. So we have to think about using it wisely. And by wise, I do not necessarily mean sensible. But I’ll get to that later. In […]
How to Manage the Meh of Covid
Let’s face it – most of us are feeling a little Meh about Covid. We’re locking down, closing borders, wearing masks and having our lives changed in subtle and not so subtle ways. And it looks like there’s no end in sight. Of course we feel a bit Meh sometimes. So here’s a list of […]
The Importance of Kindness
I quite often recommend John Gottman’s Marriage Minute to clients. It’s an email that comes maybe weekly or fortnightly and takes about a minute to read. Very helpful stuff for relationships. One of my clients who subscribed told me about one that I missed about killing it with kindness. Basically, no matter what, be kind […]
Is Kenny-Style Right for You?
My cat Kenny is a special little guy. He came from the shelter where he spent the first 3 months of his life never seeing outside and his feet never touching anything but a concrete floor. I chose him because all the other kittens were playing like crazy things, oblivious to the human trying to […]
How to Change Yourself
The search for identity and desire for self-improvement are nothing new. New year’s resolutions are filled with plans for being a better version of you. The problem is, how do you actually go about it? I read somewhere that we can reasonably expect to be able to change by about 25% but when I searched […]
The One Thing You Need for Next Year
New Years and Better Humans We’re funny creatures, us humans. Landmarks in time are super important to us and can often inspire us to make important changes. As we approach the end of the year – and an especially challenging year at that – we often start looking for the meaning and significance this year […]
2020 Sh*ttest Year Ever? Here’s How to Make it Better
We are rapidly drawing the close of another year. Normally at this time I recommend reflecting on the year just gone but seriously – who wants to! There have been so many things that have been less than amazing to say the least. However, in amongst all of the crap, I’m betting you can find […]
Why You Should Challenge Yourself
Jon and I were talking the other day about dealing with life’s challenges. Jon made an interesting point. He said “You feel the same about what’s in front of you, regardless of the context.” In other words, the biggest challenge you’re facing now, will feel the same as the biggest challenge someone else is facing, […]
What to do with Worry
Unfortunately there are plenty of things for us to worry about these days. Covid-19, global warming, uncertain financial markets and all the little everyday things that we face (the ones that are too numerous to mention. Worry can wreak havoc in our lives. It can disturb our sleep, occupy our mind, impair our memory and […]
You Have 6200 Thoughts a Day – What Will You Do With Yours?
It is official: we have 6200 thoughts a day. A study from Queens University in Ontario measured how often we shifted from one thought to the next (through some very fancy scientific methods that we don’t need to go into here). They called each of these a thought worm. Unfortunately I’m quite visual and now […]
Keep Calm and Stay Resilient
So last time we talked about what resilience is and the 1st step in starting to create more resilience during these challenging times. This time we’re going to talk about how to calm the bleep down and keep our cool even when there’s a lot of crap going on. First of all we need […]
Keeping Resilient – Covid Style
Here we are knee deep in a pandemic. Who saw that coming? Of course, it has raised all sorts of mental health issues – from anxiety and depression to cabin fever and the negative effects of isolation. I will probably go into those and what to do about them at some stage, but for now […]
Motion vs Action
I was reading Atomic Habits by James Clear last week. There were lots of interesting things but there was one that really struck me – the concept of motion vs action. Basically, when we’re trying to get stuff done, we have 2 processes. Motion is the planning, researching, organising process. And the actual doing of […]
Why You Should Put Important Things First (rocks, pebbles, sand continued)
You might remember the rocks, pebbles, sand story from last time. If you haven’t read it read this 1st or this won’t make sense. I promised I’d tell you the psychological reasons for making room for rocks first and why we get caught up in the smaller things instead. Firstly, we tend to get […]
Best Time Management Tool for Making You Happy
I have a story for you. “A philosophy professor stands in front of a class with a big glass jar. He puts rocks in the jar, right to the brim. He asks the class if the jar is full. Obviously they answer yes. He then puts pebbles in the jar, jiggles it a bit so […]