Jon and I were talking today about the big ‘quality of life’ question. Do you have better quality of life by having more time and working less? Or do you have better quality of life having money and being able to do the things you love in your free time? I guess it was sparked […]
How Would You Spend Your Time?
My partner, Jon, is reading a book about time. Time is an interesting thing. It is a completely non-renewable resource. Once we’ve used it we can never get it back. So we have to think about using it wisely. And by wise, I do not necessarily mean sensible. But I’ll get to that later. In […]
Pandemic Fatigue – It’s an Actual Thing
If you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately – irritable, down, anxious – you are most likely suffering from Pandemic Fatigue. Pandemic Fatigue is an actual condition. If you think about it, look at what we’ve been facing for a good 18 months: Changes to how we do almost everything Not being able to plan […]
How to Manage the Meh of Covid
Let’s face it – most of us are feeling a little Meh about Covid. We’re locking down, closing borders, wearing masks and having our lives changed in subtle and not so subtle ways. And it looks like there’s no end in sight. Of course we feel a bit Meh sometimes. So here’s a list of […]