Imagine a day like this: You’re hating your job because you feel like you should be further in life than this. Every task is ‘boring’ or ‘pointless’. It all feels like groundhog day. You’re angry that you have to stay in this crap job because you have a mortgage to pay or a family to […]
Why Positive Thinking (Sometimes) Doesn’t Work
You look after your mental health. You practice healthy thinking. You try to be positive and grateful and happy. Mostly this works. But sometimes you have to really try. And even then it doesn’t feel as good as it should. What’s going wrong? You might remember this from previous posts but first I’d try to […]
Can You Switch Off?
Do you feel like a mouse on a treadmill? Going round and round and getting nowhere. Do you have “downtime” but find yourself running through the million things you “should” be doing instead of relaxing? Can you switch off? The life of constant ‘doing’ creates a life of constant stress. We get so used to […]
Who is the Real Me?
We spend a lot of time thinking of ourselves as one cohesive self. Like there’s one true me that is relatively unchanging. We want to get back to being myself after difficult times. We complain that our partner doesn’t get me. And we talk about not knowing myself. What if we were thinking about our […]